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What follows is a little insight into the life and times of a little place I call home.

Who am I?  My name is Albar Fullerston, at your service, owner and operator of this little tavern 

and inn,  the RedBrick Inn at the heart of everythin Jarrah.  As some tell, you hear a lot from 

behind the bar of a tavern.  I haven’t always been a barkeep.  There was a day when I was out there 

wandering and adventuring with the best of them... but those times have past.  Now I keep company 

with the next generation of wanderers, the brave, the bold, and mostly the lucky! Bravery and bare 

faced boldness will only get you so far – you have to have a little luck tucked up your sleeve, 

else you’ll end

the way of many new wanderers – dead, or worse, prisoner or slave, heading on some

hoard ship to bally-hoo knows where.  Anyway, enough of that.  Also among my many patrons I have a 

chance to bend the ear of the odd sailor, merchant, city guard and commoner.  There's a lot going 

on  here at the top of Skagin, and there’s plenty more happening outside of its shores.  A lot 

more!   There are plenty of places to go off and find  your fortune, or you can always earn an 

honest barr from the Sea Watch as a ships guard,  protecting the merchant ships as they traverse 

the Northern passage from west to east, down to Jarrah on the island of K’rk. Then there’s always 

money in Vega.  It’s a dirty town, too much skulldugery if ya catch my drift.   Some young'uns try 

their hand at the mercantile business, most don’t make it.  Then there’s the real adventurous 

types, poking around the back waters, like the Iron Swamp, or Murder Forest, in the hope of 

recovering lost treasure.  Course you could al- ways chase the legendary hoard of the Golden Eagle 

Legion.  But anywhere you go, always keep an eye out – all that wilderness aint  empty of any 

creatures willing to sup you up for their evening meal.  Then lets not forget the Hithhini  – those 

elves are

a scary and untrustworthy lot!   You could always try ya hand at working for the Dwarves over on 

the Dundas plains, in Smorgin, if hard labour is your lot.  Any- wheres and anyways there’s plenty 

of places to poke around and find  a bit of excite- ment, just remind yourself of ya P’s and Q’s 

should ya bump inta  any of them Dru- id types – they are a secretive bunch, but far as I hear 

tell, they come through in a pinch – if you’ve a mind  to follow that religious stuff. And take 

care travelling past Varkuss,  can be nasty folk if you get onta the wrong side of them first.   

Whatever you do remember ta sample the sights  and sounds, and pretty woman, of the Sar Kien – they 

can be all hoi paloi but there’s none prettier or know there way around treating a gent right – 

wink.  Can’t say I knows much about Eagin  or the folk on that land cept that they seem decent 

enough, those I have run into.  Well I better be off

and serve the rest of my patrons – cant lollygag here all day – that beer need filling ?

Chronology of Skagin and Eagin

1350 BR           First Thixian refugees arrive after the fall.

1325 BR           First town, Jonthiem, is established on the western coast.

1300 BR           Influx of more Thixian refugees, causing an expansion into the interior of the 


1279 BR          Discovery  of the Lakes District and first skirmish with the Hithini

1276 BR         Diplomatic  ties are broken when Thixians break treaty by burning off forest where 

northern end of Iron swap is today

1268 BR           Battle for Doon Lake

1260 BR           Doon Fort completed

1258 BR          Thixian  scouts find way through Serpentine

1250 BR           Last influx of Thixian refugees arrives in Jonthiem, then decide to brave the 

North West passage around the top of the island and settle on the plains named Dundas

1248 BR           Second Hithini-Thixian war as a result of the colonization of the Dundas

1212 BR                 Burgraf  Kulman sues for peace on behalf of the Thixians – he offers his 

family as peace bond (he becomes known as Kulman Kuhini (elf friend))

1212 BR ~            Peace and prosperity for both races.  Influx of Halflings, Gnomes and Dwarves

1108 BR

1108 BR                 Thixians  are tricked by Drugar into third war with the Hithini

1082 BR                   War ends when Keltarn (great great great grandson of Kulman) sacrifices 

the Golden Eagle Legion against the evil priests of the Drugar, ending the war

1081 BR~                Known as the Long Peace.  Hithini becoming more and more concerned about 


522 BR                     proliferation of the other races, close their borders to all but the 


988 BR                     Rauros established by Dwarves, various pacts made between Hithini and 

Dwarven nation by 522 BR              Thixians  and Halflings settle most of the southern eastern 

coast line

521 BR                    Thixians  on the eastern coast war amongst themselves over Kingship, the 

losers remove themselves to Ea- gin, becoming the Three Kingdoms; Bracch, Donvar and Marchland, 

collectively known as the Eagin

518 BR                     First of the southern Kingdoms is established, named after its founder 

King Kirk the fourth

517 BR                     Second southern Kingdom is established, named in honour of their fallen 

Queen, Sar Kein

402 BR                     Fourth war between the Hithini and the foundling Kingdom of Swvay.  The 

King of Swvay is able to engage the services of the Giant chieftains of the Northern forest and 

with this increased number defeat the Hith- hini, driving them back across the Doon Lake.

388 BR                     The Hithini decide to call forth the power of nature to ensure their 

safety, the forest known as Hithini the Hopeless becomes their salvation and prison, anyone 

entering will wander aimlessly and die of starvation or thirst, unless they are befriended by a 

Hithini, who can lead them out.

298 BR                     War erupts between K’rk and Sar Kein.

292 BR                     The mainland is lost by K’rk, a stinging blow that will lead to several 

campaigns to regain this land.

287 BR                     K’rk launches an offensive against the Sar Kein and wins back half of 

the land lost

283 BR                   Sar Kein retaliates and drives the K’rk army back to the sea

281 BR                     Both forces dig in for the Forty Years War

241 BR                    K’rk’s magicians strike a major blow to the Sar Kein effort with the 

creation of the Tanglethorn forest, magi- cally created to attack anyone who tries to pass through 


239 BR            Sar Kein hits back by unleashing monstrous creatures north of the Razoar

239 BR                   Sar Kein hits back by unleashing monstrous creatures north of the 

Razoareventually take up residence in the


239 BR                     Many people who had originally inhabited the embattled land move west 

and settle the land, establishing Bo- den and Jorn.

237 BR                     The battling between the two nations reaches its climax as both sides 

reach fever pitch, both sides using indis- criminant spell users, laying waste to vast areas of 


235 BR                     The war between the two nations is called to an abrupt end when a large 

group of Druids appear and capture the majority of each army, their leaders and threaten  to lay 

waste to each kingdom.  Seeing the power of these unknown folk both sides parley for them to join 

them.  The druids show their power by removing the curse from Tanglethorn and healing the 

surrounding land, saying that they could easily do the opposite within each Kingdom’s territory.

234 BR                      A years negotiations with the druids and the leaders sees that both 

will cede the lands they fought over to the

Gnomes and the druids will have representatives  in each Kingdom to ensure the peace.

233 BR                     The last remaining refugees from the K’kr-Sar Kein war relocate to the 

tip of the western peninsula and estab- lish what will become Vega

233 BR ~              The Bright Peace is celebrated.  In its 233rd year the Peace is celebrated by 

the Joining of the a Prince of K’rk and princess of Sar Kein.  All dates from this point are

1 BR                          marked as RU (Re-unification)

1 RU ~                  K’rk rulers decide that diplomacy and mercantile strength will be the way 

to go to gain

148 RU                    control over the Skagin.  They undertake a protracted plan that will see 

four generations of rulers enact the plan.  By the end of this period there are strong ties between 

K’rk, Sar Kien, the  Eagin and Dwarven nation. When K’rk decided, as a crowning achievement, to 

bring the Hithini into the alliance the other nations balk at this and the alliance starts to 


147 RU ~              Over the course of the next 45 years the nations start to disagree and move 

further apart

192 RU                  Seeing this opportunity , Vega starts exploiting its geographical position 

to become a major port and thus un- dermine the power base of K’rk

203 RU                    K’rk send assassins to weaken the leadership of Vega only to have those 

assassins destroyed by the Vegan’s own assassins.

207 RU                    After many years of quietly living in the Northern forests the giants 

move into the Swvay Forest and start way- laying folk.  This is the start of the Swvay-Giant war

207 RU                    In response to the invading giants the ruler of Swvay entreats the 

leaders of all nations to help.  None arrive.

Vegan fathers offer assistance, but with a price attached.  The Swvian King accepts and a small 

part of his coast is handed to the Vega for services

214 RU                    The end of the Swvay-Giant war sees the giants retreat back into their 

forest.  It is also the first sighting of a

Hoard ship.

231 RU                    Current date

The Lands of Skagin

The islands of Skagin, Eagin, K’rk, Gotlund and Godspeak make a small archipelago north east of the 

Thixian continent, approximately 3,000 miles distant.  This means that travel is usually undertaken 

by sail ship and can take anywhere from just over a

month to as long as two months, depending on the time of year and weather. Thix was

the homeland from which most humans have come from to call one of these small isles their home.  A 

few other nations, the Shek Hong, the Gaur also have several for- mer or current citizens living on 

the islands, mostly Skagin.   A few Valtions from the far north make Gotlund a way point in their 

nomadic travels, hardly ever coming further south.  Golg are also seen, but most believe these 

original inhabitants to be almost ex- tinct, mostly eking out a living on Gotlund or Godspeak. The 

total area of the islands comes to slightly less than 2100 square miles.  As stated before most 

inhabit the main island of Skagin, approximately 70 %, while the island kingdom of K’rk would have 

the next most populous number, at about 20%. Eagin has about 15% and the remainder are found on 

Gotlund and Godspeak.

The People

Several races as well as immigrant humans and aboriginal Golg call these islands

home. The Dwarves drive the industry of resources in iron, gems and other metallurgy. They hail 

mainly from a small area on the Serpentine in the capital of their people, Rauros.  Their product 

finds its way to the rest of the islands down the Running River and to the harbour of Smorgin on 

the Dundas plains in the east of Skagin. The elves or Hithhini as they call themselves, live within 

the forest of Hithhini on the western

slopes of the Serpentine, almost opposite Rauros.  The elves stay mainly within the boundaries of 

the forest and the forest itself is guarded with many protections.  The elves have very little to 

do with most other races due to the many wars they have ex- perienced at the hand of immigrant 

humans.  Elves seen outside of Hithhini are usually held in high suspicion.   Half elves exist, 

usually choosing a road of traveller, as they do not fit in human society nor the elven society.  

There are no towns or communities where half elves congregate. Next there are the small people, the 

Halflings.  These

wee folk can be found throughout the island except within the heart of the Varkuun Empire, which is 

very human centric.  They do have one community, in Tumby, oppo- site the southern shores of the 

island of K’rk where they congregate where it is said the rich and powerful come to buy the tasty 

treats and morsels prepared by these small folk.

Game notes; Character Races; Humans:

Humans are central to the game story, having been both saviour and fallen angel through the long 

history of Barra. Humans gain no special abilities, no changes to their attributes. They can be one 

of seven cultures;

Thixian: Equivalent to the Caucasian people of Europe around the early medieval period. The Kingdom 

of Sar Kien reported states they are the most pure blooded of the

people on Skagin.

Shek Hong: Equivalent to the Chinese of the Han Dynasty around the middle period (50BCE). Gaur: 

Equivalent to the Axsumite Empire at its greatest height.

Valtion: Equivalent to the Finns of the late Dark Ages.

Skagan: The standard race that has evolved over the Ages centuries on Skagin. Equivalent to

Caucasians of the late Dark Ages


Dwarves have the standard bonuses or penalties within their gaming system. The Dwarves of Skagin 

have evolved into two distinct cultural races; the Mountain Dwarves of Rauros and the Hill Dwarves 

that settle in the lower areas and plains around the

Serpentine in the Dundas plains. The former have a more stiff structure in their day to day life 

and dealings with other races (and sometimes Hill Dwarves who they see as

almost another race) and the latter have a more relaxed culture, adopting some of the values and 

customs of those they live alongside. In either case an agreement with a

Dwarf is a binding contract that either culture would see end in a fight should you choose to break 



Halflings, or the Wee Folk as they are commonly known, when created are without change in the 

gaming system of choice. The Halflings, if the option is used, come from Stout blood. Their culture 

is only witnessed with any openness in the small township of Tumby, on K’rk. Here their love of 

life, food, music and fun is on display and can be enjoyed (of course any traveller would tell you 

to take care of your pockets- but this is good advice when travelling anywhere).


As stated elsewhere elves are seldom seen outside of the Hithhini. They tend to be suspicious of 

all other races except the dwarves. The elves that hail from Hithhini are of High Elf stock. Some 

do seek adventure outside the safety of the magical

perimeter of their forest but usually go to great care to disguise themselves as much as possible.

Half Elves:

Half elves have a sorry lot on the island of Skagin. Seen by the elves as a reminder of all of 

their woes with humans, and by the humans as spies for elves, or at the least trouble makers that 

are best chased out of town.


A small race that is mostly over looked. Enjoy the peace and quiet of nature. These people live in 

the land between the people of K'rk and the Sar Kien. Those from K'rl treat them fairly, that can 

not be said for the Sar Kien.

Non Character Races: Golg, Giants, Giantkin, Gnolls, Bugbears, Drugar, Trolls, Demons, Devils, Fey, 


Kalish (Undead)


On Skagin there is but one religion, that of Gaia. Her priests are the Druids and they min- ister 

to young and old and all in-between.

The Druids tend to keep to themselves for the most part, travelling about the countryside to look 

after Gaia's earthly flock. They are able to pass through the Hithhini veil without issue and are 

tolerated, if not welcomed by the elves therein. It matters not what race, as long as the Druid can 

prove they are of the faith the elves will treat them with respect. The Druids status does not stop 

there. They have walked the corridor of many a Kings castle, and have been seen in all the 

kingdoms. They appear to have free rein over where they may go. To become a Druid one must travel 

with an ordained Druid until such time the Druid believes that the initiate has proven his or her 

mettle. Once this has happened they are sequestered to Mount Vala where their training and testing 

begins in earnest. If any have failed no one has seen these folk, for all that are seen leaving the 

Verdant valley are Druids, and those on Druid's business.

Once ordained each Druid is given orders according to their talent and ability. Many are

sent into cities and townships to witness the goings on there. Others are sent into the wilderness 

to ensure that it remains untouched. It is whispered that some of the more powerful Druids stand 

behind many rulers’ thrones, being council and conscience. There are several days that hold special 

holy significance. First is the new year, marked on sum- mer solstice. Here folk give thanks to the 

year past and offer prayers for a fortuitous oncoming year. These holy days are marked throughout 

the islands with a two day cele- bration. In Vega there are great gladiatorial fights. In Jarrah 

there is a great boat race. In Var the plains are set up for jousting and knightly endeavours that 

attract many knights and fighters to try their hand for handsome prizes. In the Dwarven towns, the 

time is marked with solemn prayer followed by raucous drinking and merriment. Not much is known how 

the Elves of Hithhini mark this occasion.

While the religion that follows Gaia is the one that permeates all of the islands some oth-

er religions are introduced from time to time as missionaries or settlers bring with them- selves 

part of their culture and beliefs. These religions, while they exist, have never been able to gain 

a foot hold in mainstream life.

Living in Skagin

Days and Nights.

Skagin's days are 24 hours long. During the summer months, around solstice, the days are about 16 

hours long while in the depths of winter they are about 8 hours long. Six days make a Skagin week 

and five weeks make the month. Each day can be broken into six periods. The dark hours, between 

midnight and about an hour before dawn. The dawn period, usually lasts for an hour each side of 

dawn. Next is morn, followed by highsun, which lasts about an hour, the time one takes for their 

mid day meal/break. Highsun lasts roughly from the high- est point the sun reaches in the sky for 

about a half dozen count of ten. The afternoon fol-

lows until an hour or so before sunset, dusk, which moves through to an hour or so after sun- set. 

Lastly come evening, which brings us back to midnight. These time periods are marked in the larger 

towns and cities by the ring of bells at the change of periods, except for midnight.

The Kannum Calendur.

All of the islands under Thixian rule use the Kannum Calendur. This is based on a twelve month, 360 

day year. Each week has six days, Leedey, Undey, Torsdey, Midsdey, Holydey and Endweek. Usually 

Holyday is a half day

work, the other half worship or community minded work is carried out. Endweek is also a

half day of work (for most) followed by a half day rest.

Seasonal Festivals

There are five major island wide festivals. The first is Springs day, traditional held on the last 

Torsday of Icebreak. Communities come together to celebrate surviving winter and talking about 

planning for the rest of the year. Next comes Monarch's Day, at present set on the third Leeday of 

Lightfall. This is more celebrated in the cities and larger towns, but smaller communities take 

this day to celebrate their lieges health and goodwill, as well as to have a

day of rest after all of the spring planting has been completed along with the animals birthing of 

young. As this time of year is usually quite plenty with foods etc., most smaller communi- ties 

have little to fear in the way of being preyed upon by bandits, raiders and the like. Next comes 

the biggest celebration. Summer Solstice, New Year. This is a two day festival held on the last two 

days of Hisun, while Nemis is full. The events, pageantry and celebrations

vary from area to area, the more rural use it as a holy time, inviting Druids to come and preach, 

to bless etc. for a prosperous new year. In the cities grand and elaborate parties are planned and 

in Vega a gladiatorial event is in its 15th year. It is said to be an especially fortui- tous event 

to be wed or start a new venture when Naruila also falls full. Following in autumn comes Autumn

Harvest /Trades days. This is a three day mix of business, celebration of a good harvest, or 

wheeling and dealings to ensure that communities can gain enough foods and equipment to see them 

through the next winter. These days see the biggest and busiest markets in Skagin. The event 

usually falls on the fourth week of Leafall, starting on Undey. In the main centres this is also 

the last time for the year that any jousts or like events take place. The last day, Night of the 

Dead, is a night of remembrance of those that have come before. It is whispered that on this night, 

when Nemis is in her new moon, the veil between living and dead is at its thinnest and one can talk 

or be visited by their ancestors. If Naruila also falls dark on or near this night many people take 

this as an omen of ill and usually double their efforts to cleanse their houses of bad spirits or 

be blessed by Druids to ward against such things.

Seasons and Climate:

Winter in Skagin is especially hard. Snow blankets almost all of the island and many in- land 

rivers freeze over. From around the end of Shadowsun / the beginning of Whitedowne snow starts to 

fall. It does not start to melt until the beginning of Ice- break. The winter season usually starts 

with many heavy wet periods, following on from late autumn. Temperatures range from around 23 

degrees to 38 degrees, the higher being at the start and end of the winter season (which takes in 

the months of Shadowsun to Darkwhite).

Following this period Skagin enters springtime (Icebreak to Lightfall) where tempera- tures range 

from 48degrees up to 65 degrees. Spring is accompanied by many light showers and an incredible 

spurt of growth in all manner of flora and fauna. Tempera- tures climb further during the two 

summer months of Sunfall and Hisun, averaging around 72 degrees during both months. Summer is 

usually a dry time, but there is an odd rain fall. Lastly comes autumn. During the earlier months 

crops can be harvested before the rough autumn weather sets in. Temperatures range from64 degrees 

down to 38 degrees. The weather in the latter months becomes very unsettled and inclem- ent. Such 

things as hurricanes, fantastical electrical storms are common this time of year. Winds can become 

stronger as well. This is usually the cut off point any ships risk coming to the islands. Any late 

comers are usually resigned to the fact of wintering over in Skagin. Such a journey home would test 

the mettle of the best sailors and their master. Autumnal months are Reapwind, Leafall and Kōte.


Many species of plant life exist on the islands. There is the common pine, birch, ash and oak. Some 

of the more special flora is the steelwood, a tree that only grows be- tween the Iron swamp and 

Hithhini so little of this is logged any more. It is said that steelwood once was present in all 

forests of Skagin. Doontown is said to have been built out of the wood. It has amazing properties. 

The wood itself is hard to fell and re-

quires great effort. Once cut and dressed it is painted with a lye and lime mixture which

appears to interact with the wood itself, making it almost as strong as steel and virtual- ly 

impervious to fire. Other sought after wood lies deep in Bloody forest, the Karght wood, a timber 

whose grain is said to be more beautiful than gold, the Reltree, whose many herbal remedies come 

from its various parts. Among the flowers and bushes the Bre bush is known to help fend off 

parasites and heal burns when one steeps it in wa- ter and made a poultice of. The ender flower is 

known to help ease digestion and flatu- lence while the nocturnal Starbloom is sought after for 

many of its purported magic properties. Unfortunately Star bloom is only known of in two locations,

Hithhini and the Travel Woods. Hags root, found in the Tanglethorn is said to be an in- gredient in 

poisons and paralytic compounds while Ragpetal is reported to be behind a major drug business in 

Vega. Lastly there are rumours of a mythical tree, that the Dru- ids hold most high, the Mallorn 

tree. Some of its reputed properties are that a weapon made from the wood harms evil creatures on 

touch, that it can heal all harm, physical, mental or spiritual from someone laid in its 



Most common animals exist on Skagin. Some of the more notable exotic creatures are found offshore. 

The Kraken, a giant squid that can worry ships is known to hunt the waters around the northern and 

western points of Skagin. In the Coral sea are the playful Keal, related to the open sea seal. A 

coral diver's superstition suggests

that if one is surrounded by Keals you are safe from predators and have a better than normal chance 

of finding expensive coral. The Sea Hawk is a common predator of the skies and taken as a good luck 

charm if one nests in or around your home. Of note

are the creatures that exist in the Iron swamp and the Travel Woods, particularly near the 

Travellers themselves. Creatures of gigantic proportion, such as spiders and other insects can be 

found near the Travellers. In the Iron Swamp strange creatures that have arisen out of the mixing 

of magic , such as the baleful catobelpus, inhabit said swamp. Lastly Tanglethorn is said to be the 

lair of several dragons, dark fey and other creatures of dark intent.


Most of the islands are governed under various monarchies. There is the House of Kursk in Var, King 

Oom of the Giants of Bloody Forest, King Barigold of the Dwarves, last intelligence had King 

Qualentar and Queen Isil within Hithhini. On Eagin lies the Kingdoms of Bracke, Downes and Bodo. On 

K'rk King Freiberg the 1st rules from his Coral Throne, while in the southern Sar Kien Taiaro the 

Great sits on his Iron Throne. Boden and Jorn officials are elected. At present Mayor's Cagliari 

and Licatta respec- tively hold their posts. For the small people Chester Derby is speaker and in 

Smorgin a triad of merchant houses, the Silver Wheel, holds the reins of power therein. . In the 

smaller communities that dot the northern extension of Skagin people tend to self-govern and elect 

a speaker in times of need. In Vega the three cities each have a leader and they form the council 

along with another 'elect' personage, at present

this person is one Master Banda, it has been surmised that he may have learned sev- eral 

campaigning tactics from Assassins.

There are several laws that govern all of Skagin and Eagin. When in any of the major cities and 

town all people are expected to have weapons peace knotted, which is checked on by various 

watchman, although most people travel with knives and dag- gers etc for their personal protection, 

hidden under garments. Druids are held in re- gard so due courtesy is observed.

Urban versus Rural;

The standard differences apply between urban and rural life in Skagin. There are minor differences 

in several places where their industry would demand this. In Smorgin and Jarrah are large ship 

building yards. In Jarrah is also the Eastern Fleet. Jorn is known for its fine fruit wines that it 

makes and Boden for the exquisite woven cloth, made of spi- der silk and other materials. Tumby is 

known as a place for gourmands. Rouros is the fountain hood of whence almost all of the ore and 

metal work originates in Skagin. Ve- ga is well known as a businessman's delight and downfall. It 

also caters for all manner of dark and illegal doings. Var is the capital of where a lot of wood is 

produced for use around Skagin. On the southern coastline of Sar Kien are small Naval settlements.

The Dundas plains are home to many wandering herdsman and their families who, come Tradesman days, 

head to Smorgin to trade

for the oncoming winter. Lastly Trondheim, on the north western coast is home to many whalers who 

produce many products from whale meat to oils and other items.


While the majority of folk speak common on Skagin there are a number of other lan- guages that are 

heard or in print. From Sar Kien Thixian is spoken as the courtly tongue and all official documents 

are written in this script. In Rouros dwarven is the only

tongue one hears and dwarven script used. In the Hopeless forest, Hithhini, elvish script

and spoken tongue is used. In Var, especially Doon town there are a few people who al- so use this 

language, a result from days when ties were closer. In Tumby halfling refrain from using their own 

tongue in public, but in private they use their native tongue. Shan- ty is a sub language of common 

used by sailors and sea salts all. From the 'non' human centric world giant, troll and fey is 

spoken by their respective races while Gutteral is spoken by the gnoll, bugbears who infest the 

islands. The Golg learn common to inter- act with the humans otherwise they use their own language 

and pictographs for re- cording their stories and culture.

Coin and Commerce.

As stated elsewhere commerce abounds all over Skagin. Each Kingdom has its own coinage, but all 

accept Dwarven Barr as a default universal coin. Some places will give equal and some devalue the 

barr standard, depending on the current economic cli- mate within their city or town. But at least 

its money that can be spent. Most king- doms businesses do not accept others coin, instead a money 

changer / lender is sought to change the money into kingdom coinage, for a price. Again depending 

on the current economic

climate the exchange can be quite harsh, better to stick with barr when you can get it! Below are 

the various kingdoms coinage;

Value               Sar Kein            K'rk                 Var                    Elf             

  Dwarf Copper             Crown             Plug                Bead                  -            

    Centi Silver                  Eagle              Silling            Decimus             Leaf    

          Deci Electrum           Mark            Bluue                Half                   -     

        HalfBarr Gold                  Falcon             Korin              Crown              

Star              Barr Platinum           Royal                  -                  Royal           

Crescent     Quantbarr

25gp                                   Medallion       Medallion                                  -

Money brokering charges can be anywhere from 1 to 40%.



The island of Skagin is split in half roughly by the Serpentine, a mountain range that starts in 

the south, just north of the Travellers and ends on the western front of Mur- der Forest, where the 

forest meets the Iron swamp. In the south it starts as easy roll- ing hills then builds until, at 

its peak, stands at around 14896 feet tall ( 4.5 miles). These peaks are under constant snow and 

ice and only through lower passes can trav- el between east and west be safe. Of course since most 

of the west side ends up in Hithhini territory safety is still an issue Another line of ranges, 

called the Travellers, surrounded by the Travel Woods lies at the south end of the Serpentine. 

These then lead on to the smaller ranges known as the Night Mountains. The tallest peak in the 

Travellers stands around 12,349 feet (3.7 miles) and about 8,500 feet (2.6 miles). To the east of 

Night Mountains lie the Razoars. This range appear to rear their peaks in defiance of the plains 

that surround them and stand at their highest around 2,500 feet. Their surface is bare rock with 

only the hardiest of lichen and moss growing on them. They travel west and east, ending where the 

Tanglethorn starts cutting Sar Kien off from the Southern Protectorate plains of Krk. Deep in the 

Yulewood, to the east,

lie several ranges of low rolling hills, gaining some 300 feet above the floor of the for-

est at their highest. On the island of K'rk itself lie the Krk hills which travel north to south 

from the bottom to almost 3/4's of its length. Far to the north, within the Sway Forest lies the 

Giant Troll range. These hills average about 800 feet in height and mark the western border of the 

Varkkan empire. To the east and far north of the Sway for- est lies the Devil's Spread, a series of 

low hills formed from underground pressure and which comes many thermal streams and pools. Lastly 

in the northern section of the Bloody Forest lie the Sanarjarlford Range of mountains and hills 

where the King of Gi- ants resides. They range from a few hundred feet upto around 5000 feet for 

some of the mountain peaks. At the southern end of this range lies Mount Vala. This is said to be 

the northern home of the Druids. The Verdant Valley as it is described is a small oasis of peace 

and tranquillity amongst the harshness of northern Skagin


The largest forest today would be the Sway forest. It covers about 1/8th of the island and is home 

to many humanoid species . The Bloody forest is its northern most exten- sion. In a southerly 

direction is what is commonly called the Hopeless Forest, Hithhini in elven. It lies south of Lake 

Doon and the Iron Swamp, directly west of Rauros and extends some 80 miles west of the Serpentine. 

The Hopeless forest once reached a much greater distance, all the way to the western coast, but 

constant deforestation by successive waves of human immigrants have whittled it down to the size it 

is at pre- sent. In response to this the elves have placed a charm on its perimeter. Anyone enter- 

ing without their leave is said to wander within its eves, lost , until they die of starva- tion or 

by some animals attack. Further south from Hithhini lies the Old Mill Forest,

one of the remaining stands once connected to the Hithhini. Covering less than 450

square miles it is said that at current rates of felling it too will disappear within a cou- ple of 

centuries. Directly east and south of the Old Mill lies the Travel woods. Herein lies creatures 

made monstrous, giant sized of many species, particularly insects and the like. Below and to the 

south further lies the Night Forest. This gentle forest is known for the good fey and magical 

creatures that dwell within – but still that does

not mean if you intrude in their domain you won't be dealt with. To the south and east

further are the Lemon Woods, where ancient groves of fruit bearing trees have formed a great 

forest. Within the eaves of this wood setting, some say, lie the southern place

of power of the Druids. Further to the east lies the gentle Yulewood. A large stand of aged Oak and 

ash. This forest is known as a bountiful hunting ground for all manner of game and many nobles come 

here for just that purpose. To the east and north lies the Tanglethorn. This jumble of closely 

wound briar and wood is a place most people avoid. Rumour has it that dragons have been seen or are 

known to lair within its thorny confines. The Town Forest on K'rk island is a small woodland that 

follows the course of the K'rk hill range. It is a pleasant enough place with few but natural 

preda- tors. Travelling over and back onto the mainland the Greenwood joins the northern portion of 

the Travel woods and onto the southern end of the Dundas plains. Herein lies many creatures, both 

fey and animal. To the north and on the western border of the Dundas plains lies Munda Forest.

Lakes and Rivers

The largest lake on Skagin is Doon lake. Its borders are defined by the Iron Swap to the east, Doon 

town on its northern shore and Hithhini on its southern shore. One river, Shriling Rv. exits the 

lake in the west to travel towards the ocean. Its first city to pass is Var, the capital of the 

Varkkan Empire and then down to Thrist Lake, past the town of Jontheim and Uilja, carrying onto 

Jarret's Lake, past Samahlon and out into the ocean A short river of some 15 miles travels from the 

base of the Travellers to the ocean, simply known as Travail Rv. From the southern reaches of the 

Night mountains runs the pure water of the Platt river to the ocean at Boden. Continuing in an 

anti- clockwise direction the river Standby flows from the Razoars to the southern coast, while the 

Dogg river travels the width of the Sar Kien kingdom and empties itself into the Oven swamp. There 

are many small streams on the island of K'rk but the biggest

is on which cuts the capital of Jarrah in two. The Knights River empties into an estu- ary . Within 

this estuary lies the island known as Regent Isle. And this then leads onto Kingsport. Travelling 

back onto the mainland once more the river Cascade breaks

from the Running River through the Greenwood. The Running is the main thorough- fare used to move 

goods between Smogin, Axehead and Rauros.

There are many rivers and streams leading off the western slopes of the Serpentine leading into the 

Iron Swamp. If these were ever named, only the Elves remember them. Lastly issuing from Mt Vala in 

the Verdant Valley runs the river Valis.


There are two great plains on Skagin, in the west , the Southern plains, with Hithhini as its 

northern border and the Serpentine its

eastern. These plains have been used for centuries in raising crops and cattle. They are dotted 

with many small hamlets.

To the east and north lies the Dundas plains. They are home to bands of nomadic

herds folk.


There are two swamps on Skagin. The Oven swamp, where the river Dogg empties

in Sar Kien, is home to many usual creatures of this type. It is also known to become extremely hot 

during the summer months. The other swamp, The Iron Swamp, lies to the north and is home to much 

treasure and many fantastic creatures. For many cen- turies battles between various factions were 

fought on the land here. Finally the Dru- ids stepped in and sunk the lands, so that no one could 

have it. When it sunk the magics that had been used seeped forth and created many fantastical 

creatures. Also a treasure of past heroes lies to be found, if one is bold (or stupid) enough to 

seek them.

Around the Island.

There are several reefs, Deadman's Doom and Dead Reach, that surround the island of

Skagin that make navigation impossible.

Due to this the southern entry into the Coral sea can only be tried by small row boats or those 

fitted with step up masts. Further

around the coast to the west and north lies Olaf's Curse, another reach of reefs that are used by 

the many Hoards to waylay or trap

passing ships.

Coral Sea is really a vast pond. It does not get much deeper than 300 feet and in places one can 

walk out a great distance, provide

you wear the correct gear. Several trenches have been carved, and maintained to allow for the big 

ships to travel safely to Jarrah from Smorgin

To the north of Dundas Strait, some 165 miles in the Skagerrak lies the island of Gotlund. It is a 

mainly barren island that several Golg and some hermits call home. They live by harvesting seaweed, 

hunting various sea birds and catching fish. To the east of Gotlund lies Godspeak, some 120 miles. 

This small island has a single feature. A peak that rises some 2,ooo feet above the ground. There 

are many rumours about this place, most say to avoid it at all costs.

To the east of Skagin lies the island of Eagin. On this island live three small kingdoms of

Thixian descent.
